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Bodies and water

This project was my first component of my second year at college and these are some of the photoshoots that were a part of the project. The reason I have selected these particular shoots is because I think they were the best from the project. Some were inspired by photographers such as Martin Parr and some were just exploring the use of different types of film and learning how to properly.

Budleigh, Colour film

This was my first ever shoot on colour film. It was an exciting thing to use and throughout this whole project I learnt how to use the film in different ways and exploring the use of this particular media.

Polzeath, Black and white film.

This shoot was one of my favourites from this project because it was inspired by Martin Parr and exploring the topic of 'British seaside'.

Polzeath, Colour film.

Another shoot which was inspired by Martin Parr, with vibrant colours and British seaside nostalgia.

Final Piece contact sheets,

Some on black and white film and some shot digitally. The reason I used both medias was in case something went wrong with the film when developing. In the final book I actually used a combination of both as some of the lighting in the film photographs was slightly darker and so didn't quite work in the book.

This PDF is a scanned copy of the book I made on indesign and was my final piece which brought my whole bodies and water project together. It is a collective of portrait photographs of members of a wild swimming group. By their photographs is a quote that they had given me about why they swim and what it means to them.

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