This project was all about exploring architecture initially and then it moved further into exploring industrial architecture and looking at the patterns and repetition in the buildings. At the bottom of the page is the photographs from my final piece which was a book that I created.
Princesshay, Black and white film
As this was one of the first shoots of the project I was really just exploring the different patterns and repetition and exploring how this project could progress. I also experimented in the dark room with some double exposure photographs. I was pleased with how the second attempt worked out and I hope to try this more in the future. Next time I need to be more careful with the negatives and clean them better.
Exeter Cathedral, Black and white film
I was happy with how this shoot turned out considering was only allowed to photograph from the back of the building as photography as I had to have an adult with me if I wanted to go in properly. However I love the patterns that are detailed into the walls and the ceilings. Everything has been done with such precision which made the photographs look even better.I need to work on my framing when photographing.
Plymouth, Black and white film
This shoot took place at around 6am in the morning as I wanted the colour digital photos I was taking at the same time to be at dawn. however I do think that this time made a big difference on the outcome in these photographs as the light creates lots of reflections in some of the photographs.
Newquay, Black and white film
In Newquay I came across this derelict hotel and I had wanted to explore the theme of abandonment within architecture and this really fit into the theme I wanted to look into. I really love the way the film captures certain shadowing and a depth that with digital is harder to achieve.
Industrial Estate, Black and white film
This shoot was taken for my final piece. These are just a few enlargements that I printed and had processed digitally as I had to print them to put them into the final book. I tried to explore better framing when taking these photographs and also pay extra detail to pattern and repetition in the location and buildings around it.
Industrial Estate, Colour digital
This shoot was a back up shoot for the film shoot which is above, however I really liked how it turned out as some the colours actually brought out certain details that perhaps the film didn't pick up as much. It gives a slightly different perspective of the buildings.
Final Piece
I created this book by selecting these photographs from the previous two shoots on the industrial estate and curated this book.There is two of every photograph however one of the two has been cut up and each part is focused on a different part of the building or a different pattern within the architecture.